Buckaringa Better Buy Market.


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Web Changes

This is where we'll announce the most recent additions to our web site. If you've visited us before and want to know what's changed, take a look here first.

Recently added a page for our Nursery plants.


History of the Buckaringa Better Buy Market shop

This store was originally opened by H F Adams in about 1911 as a drapery, grocery, clothing, shoes and giftware store. It traded under that name until the mid 1950's when the railway was shifted to Port Augusta and the population of Quorn dropped dramatically.

It was then used for new car sales by the Ford dealer from which he sold the newly released Ford Falcon for a short period. After this it lay empty for many years until it was for a short time used as a roller skating rink and a small restaurant and takeaway food outlet.

For the last two decades it has been a second hand shop and was known far and wide for the bargains often picked up. The owners of this second hand shop retired in June 2000 and put the building up for sale. It was purchased by the Schuttloffel Family Trust and renovated by Buckaringa Holdings Pty Ltd for the purpose of setting up a new business in Quorn. Buckaringa Better Buy Market started to trade on February 9th 2001.

Adams store in the 1920's
adam1923.jpg: Quorn, South Australia, horse teams, wheat harvester, shopping


Where does the name Buckaringa come from?

The name Buckaringa is a European interpretation of an aboriginal name for an area of the Flinders Ranges some 40Km North of Quorn. This area is a small pound like formation of the ranges around a flat area of land which used to be farmed for wheat by some of the early settlers. My grandfather was one of these settlers.

To enter this area one had to travel through a gorge which became known as Buckaringa Gorge. My father owned on a farm at the foot of the rock face entrance to Buckaringa Gorge and I lived there for 23 years.

This is a very pretty area in Spring and I have included a link here to a page with three of photos of the area. 

Please click here to view one of the Secrets of the Flinders Ranges.

Recent Media Coverage of Buckaringa Better Buy Market


bulletExtensions planned for 2003.
bulletHealthy garden plants now available in Quorn, Quorn News, 01/02/2002

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Send mail to waynes@buckaringa.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2001 Buckaringa Better Buy Market
Last modified: October 15, 2009