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Three secret photos of Buckaringa Gorge

In Spring the wild flowers at Buckaringa Gorge are magnificent. These photos were taken in September 2000 and demonstrate just what a wonderful tourist attraction we have here in the Flinders Ranges. The first one shows the rock face sometimes used for beginners when learning to climb. This is the area where the Earth Sanctuaries, Buckaringa Sanctuary reception and log cabins will be when the development is completed.

The second photo is taken from the western side of the gorge and shows the rocks where you will often find the Yellow Footed Rock Wallaby.

The third photo shows the entrance to Buckaringa Gorge from about three kilometers away and the farm house in the middle left is where I lived as a young boy. There are many gorges in this part of the Flinders Ranges within 30Km's of Quorn that are magnificent tourist attractions. Some of them well known others still very much a secret.

Buckaringa Gorge rock face in flower.
buckaringagorge.jpg: Flinders Ranges, buckaringa, Quorn, travel, tours, camping, wild flowers


The Western side of Buckaringa Gorge
buckaringa_3.jpg: Buckaringa, Flinders Ranges, South Australia, camping, travel, tours, wild flowers, rocks


View of Buckaringa Gorge entrance from the East.
buckaringa_5.jpg: flinders ranges, quorn, Australia, travel, camping, trecking, backpacker, tours

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Last modified: October 15, 2009