Buckaringa Better Buy Market.

Web design

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Web Page design and hosting.

Design, uploading, promotion and maintenance of fast loading functional web sites at realistic prices in South Australia.

We can obtain your own domain name for you and supply you with web hosting on the world wide web using high speed reliable RAID5 servers.


bulletBuild your business or organization with a world wide presence on the Internet.
bulletGet listed on search engines by using the correct key words on your site.
bulletAttract customers you never would have thought possible 2 years ago.


The Web site pages
We put the pages together from information which you the customer supplies. This can be both in text and graphic form. We can scan photos and logos supplied by you, use digital photos or take photos if you so desire. 
Our suggestion is that you do not use an excessive number of photos per page as it will put people off looking at your site if they take too long to load. There are ways to use thumbnails and link to a large photo if you need them. This will not stop your pages from loading quickly. 

Sound files and animated graphics can be used sparingly as they can take considerable loading time if too many are used. The best sites to attract viewers will have some text near the top for the viewer to read while the graphics are loading. How many times have you exited a site because it was taking too long to load to the point where you could find something useful to read?
Keywords & Description
Keywords and Key description are a very important feature of a web site if you want to get good rankings with popular search engines.
Posting to your domain
We post your site to  your domain or web server. If necessary we can also help obtain your own domain name.
Adding to search engines
We normally quote on posting  your site to  five of the most popular search engines. If you want more then there is an extra charge.

Links to some of the sites we have built.

Some examples of our prices.

These prices are for pages similar to the ones on this site using text at the top, maximum of two photos supplied by customer and a limited number of graphics. Each page will be about 1 to 2 A4 pages when printed out. Extra charges apply for extra photos, animated graphics, video clips, sound files, longer pages etc.

Description Price
Web page design and layout Page 1 $110.00
Web page design and layout Pages 2 to 4  per page $66.00
Web page design and layout Pages 5 plus per page  $60.00
Post a web site to a server  $33.00
Manually post site to search engines, per engine $5.50
Scan photos and retouch if necessary, per photo $6.60



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Information Request Form

Select the items that apply, and then let us know how to contact you.

Please send latest information on Web page design.


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Send mail to waynes@buckaringa.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2001 Buckaringa Better Buy Market
Last modified: October 15, 2009