Buckaringa Better Buy Market.

Internet cafe

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Internet Cafe

Reasonably priced public Internet access to the World Wide Web. Often referred to as the secret Internet cafe. We have many grateful customers from all over the world who say that they never expected to find an internet cafe here at Quorn in South Australia's beautiful Flinders Ranges. They are also very surprised to find the access here is faster than most places they have been to.

Word processing, Spreadsheet and Presentation programs are available on these computers.

Key Benefits

bulletOpen until 6.00pm on 6 days a week.
bulletHigh quality equipment and fast connection.
bulletQuickly access your E-Mails and reply while on holiday.
bulletLower than expected cost for an Outback area.
bulletCan be used for that school assignment needed today.

Internet access
Internet.jpg: cybercafe, internet cafe, Quorn, south australia, internet access, buckaringa market, computers, backpackers, travel


Internet Access

Public Internet access is provided via three computers connected to an internet server in Port Augusta. Fortunately Telecom has provided us with high quality access to Port Augusta. We can boast that most of our customers tell us it is  a pleasure to use our service. They claim it is very fast compared to most places they have visited outside of the Capitol cities.


Have supplied a clean quiet room away from the constant chat and noise of high traffic areas. Gives the customer a chance to concentrate on that which they are doing. Coffee, tea and cold drinks are available. Air conditioned in summer. Word processing, Spreadsheet, Database and Presentation programs are available on these computers.
Cost of Internet use is calculated on the time used as we charge by the minute. You do not pay for time unused just because you went two minutes over the allotted ten minute space or whatever.
Cost for non internet use is negotiable for long periods.

Prices for Internet use.

Log on Fee $1.10
Charge per minute $0.11

This works out at $7.70 for 1 hour including GST
and $6.60 per hour after the first hour.

Price for Non Internet use

$5.50 per hour. Negotiable for more than two hours continuous use.

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Send mail to waynes@buckaringa.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2001 Buckaringa Better Buy Market
Last modified: October 15, 2009