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Quorn and the Flinders Ranges retail supplier of Leader computers, Canon & Epson printers. Other brands are available. All type of computer accessories and printer cartridges in stock. Large range of computer programs available.

Key Benefits

bulletBuy local and get your service local.
bulletWe design a system to your requirements.
bulletHave 20 years experience using and repairing computers.
bulletPriced competitively for quality components.


We supply a large range of educational and games programs. Many of these are in stock at all times, often at very competitive prices. Office programs are also available.


As computer prices and models change almost daily we need to quote according to your requirements at the time of purchase. For a current price quote please E-Mail Buckaringa Better Buy Market or come in and talk to Wayne.

Please remember that we supply Leader built computers assembled by South Australia's largest computer assembler and they only recommend and use quality components.

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Send mail to waynes@buckaringa.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2001 Buckaringa Better Buy Market
Last modified: October 15, 2009